December 12, 2005

Screencasting tools galore

THIS EDITION of NetSpeak features a few products/services developed for creating/finding screencasts, animated movies made from computer screen shots.

Assume that you need to provide a few trainees with some tips/tricks for using Google much more effectively with minimum effort. The best way to teach is to show them each of the tips visually in real-time.

November 28, 2005

On-line storage alternatives

THIS EDITION of NetSpeak explores different means for storing documents on-line. Keeping files on a Net server helps access them from any computer on the Web. Many netizens use G-mail kind of web based e-mail services for this purpose.

Tools/services such as G-mail drive ( and XmailHardDrive (https://www., meant for easy upload of files on to your G-mail account, facilitate this process.

online storage:

On-line word-processors:

Opencourseware Finder :

November 14, 2005

New tools for social applications

Web based development infrastructure makes netizen's task easy

Floating on-line services with built-in community/networking features is entering an exciting new phase.

THIS EDITION of NetSpeak features a couple of applications developed for helping netizens easily build/access web based social applications.

Of late, we are witnessing an explosion of a wide range of on-line services with the `social' tag embedded in them such as social bookmark services, social news aggregators, social calendars and so on.

Online applications :

Flock: A new browser

Clipboard recorder : Check out:

On-line spell checker :

October 31, 2005

Search tools revisited

Most search engines provide commands to search on a specific site .

Rollyo allows one to create own customised search engine that searches only on the sites indicated.

THIS WEEK NetSpeak takes a look at some of the latest products/services appearing in the ever-changing search tools arena.

Researchers, professionals, businessmen and others who use the Net for accessing the latest information generally go through a set of specific Web resources. Rather than searching the whole web, they can get more relevant output by focussing on subject-specific sites alone.

Most search engines provide commands to search on a specific site. For instance, the command ` netspeak' will fetch you links to several web pages with the word `netspeak' from The Hindu's site.

October 17, 2005

Collaborative writing tools

One can create on-line documents that can be edited by group members
The Wiki technology turns out to be more effective for collaborative tasks.

NETSPEAK FEATURES a few on-line applications, meant for creating documents that are editable by many authors from multiple locations.